Foro Formación Hadoop

Flafka: Apache Flume Meets Apache Kafka for Event Processing

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Flafka: Apache Flume Meets Apache Kafka for Event Processing
by Admin Formación Hadoop - Sunday, 22 February 2015, 7:38 PM

The new integration between Flume and Kafka offers sub-second-latency event processing without the need for dedicated infrastructure.

In this previous post you learned some Apache Kafka basics and explored a scenario for using Kafka in an online application. This post takes you a step further and highlights the integration of Kafka with Apache Hadoop, demonstrating both a basic ingestion capability as well as how different open-source components can be easily combined to create a near-real time stream processing workflow using Kafka, Apache Flume, and Hadoop. (Kafka integration with CDH is currently incubating in Cloudera Labs.)

The Case for Flafka

One key feature of Kafka is its functional simplicity. While there is a lot of sophisticated engineering under the covers, Kafka’s general functionality is relatively straightforward. Part of this simplicity comes from its independence from any other applications (excepting Apache ZooKeeper). As a consequence however, the responsibility is on the developer to write code to either produce or consume messages from Kafka. While there are a number of Kafka clients that support this process, for the most part custom coding is required.

Cloudera engineers and other open source community members have recently committed code for Kafka-Flume integration, informally called “Flafka,” to the Flume project. Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available system for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of data from many different sources to a centralized data store. Flume provides a tested, production-hardened framework for implementing ingest and real-time processing pipelines. Using the new Flafka source and sink, now available in CDH 5.2, Flume can both read and write messages with Kafka.

Flume can act as a both a consumer (above) and producer for Kafka (below).

Flume-Kafka integration offers the following functionality that Kafka, absent custom coding, does not.

  • Producers – Use Flume sources to write to Kafka
  • Consumers – Write to Flume sinks reading from Kafka
  • A combination of the above
  • In-flight transformations and processing