Foro Formación Hadoop
Error Cloudera al lanzar MapReduce
Cloudera me da el siguiente error al lanzar el MapReduce de wordcount.
17/05/15 12:22:11 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: quickstart.cloudera/ Already tried 0 time(s); retry policy is RetryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep(maxRetries=10, sleepTime=1000 MILLISECONDS)
Parece que HDFS no está disponible, reviso el estado (en rojo) y dice:
Bad : NameNode summary: quickstart.cloudera (Availability: Active, Health: Bad). This health test reflects the health of the active NameNode.
Un poco más de info:
The health test result for HDFS_DATA_NODES_HEALTHY has become bad: Healthy DataNode: 0. Concerning DataNode: 0. Total DataNode: 1. Percent healthy: 0.00%. Percent healthy or concerning: 0.00%. Critical threshold: 90.00%.
The health test result for HDFS_HA_NAMENODE_HEALTH has become bad: NameNode summary: quickstart.cloudera (Availability: Active, Health: Bad). This health test reflects the health of the active NameNode.
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